New England Review of Books

boston, mass. // launched 2016 // the diction is harsh, the rhymes uncertain

amplifying criticism, commentary and literary news // updates mon-fri


We contain multitudes. Accordingly, our editorial motto changes monthly.

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47. April 2020: the diction is harsh, the rhymes uncertain // 46. March 2020: a vast depot of objects of all kinds // 45. February 2020: refreshes us for returns to the workaday // 44. January 2020: acceptable to the most fastidious taste // 43. December 2019: as the harbor is welcome to the sailor // 42. November 2019: better than a seditious truth // 41. October 2019: come to us young people for hope // 40. September 2019: basked in light // 39. August 2019: make you commit atrocities // 38. July 2019: a purposeful coalition among the cartelists // 37. June 2019: indifferent to the misery of others // 36. May 2019: you can fool a lot of yourself // 35. April 2019: pay attention, be astonished // 34. March 2019: some elements of worth with difficulty persist // 33. February 2019: nemo solus satis sapit // 32. January 2019: the original is unfaithful to the translation // 31. December 2018: view ban on foreknowledges // 30. November 2018: astonishment and rusticity // 29. October 2018: the rubbish of departed ignorance // 28. September 2018: and ripen justice in this commonweal // 27. August 2018: there is no slackening // 26. July 2018: the immense panorama of futility // 25. June 2018: slaughter may also be a plural of laughter // 24. May 2018: commitment of the word to space // 23. April 2018: vassals of rich men behind the scenes // 22. March 2018: another kind of truth // 21. February 2018: durably metaphoric uroboric snake // 20. January 2018: its own excuse for being // 19. December 2017: a state of violent agitation // 18. November 2017: uproar’s your only music // 17. October 2017: merit silently deploring // 16. September 2017: seeking fame by diff’rent roads // 15. August 2017: appurtenances and qualifications // 14. July 2017: glad to read the books through // 13. June 2017: captive good attending captain ill // 12. May 2017: truth beareth away the victory // 11. April 2017: keep killing those ants, Charles Dickens //10. March 2017: a voice / to undo the folded lie // 9. February 2017: heart cannot conceive nor name thee criticism // 8. January 2017: a knowledge of men and life // 7. December 2016: a mass of lies, evasions, folly // 6. November 2016: imbalm'd and treasur'd up on purpose // 5. October 2016: I assign myself no rank or any limit // 4. September 2016: why, chance may crown me // 3. August 2016: more often imaginary than real // 2. July 2016: must men stand by what they write… ? // 1. June 2016: how many children had Lady Macbeth?

graphic: Martin Johnson Heade, landscape (Rhode Island shore), 1858

Original and editorial content © 2016-present Pen & Anvil Press and respective authors.