Home // August.25.2016 // Sassan Tabatabai


Reading Hieroglyphics

You came up behind me
and covered my eyes,
open but unseeing
in the empty space
of your cupped hands.

With each moment
the light of the room
pressed against your hands
and seeped through the crease
between your fingers

lit up like ribs of lightning
across the night sky of my vision.

In time
it illuminated a network
of tangled webs on your palms.

They glowed with the mysterious authority
of some ancient script

and sure in language strange
laid out for me
the undecipherable
of your destiny.



Banner graphic source: pages from the Madrid Codex (also known as the Tro-Cortesianus Codex or the Troano Codex), one of three surviving pre-Columbian Maya books dating to the Post classic Period of Mesoamerican chronology. Public domain.

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